Lists in python

Lists in python

A list is a data structure in python which stores a sequential collection of elements of any size. Each element or value that is inside of a list is called an item.

  • A list is flexible i.e. does not have a fixed size.
  • A list is mutable i.e. the contents of a list can be changed.
  • A list can contain elements of same or mixed types.

    Creating a list

  • empty list
list = [ ]
  • list with integer elements
list = [ 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • list with string elements
list = [ "red", "blue", "pink"]
  • list with elements of mixed type
list = [ "red", 2, 5]



Built-in list functions

  • len() : To find the length of a list.
  • max() : To find the largest element in a list.
  • min() : To find the smallest element in a list.
  • sum() : To find the sum of all elements in a list.
  • random.shuffle() : To randomly shuffle the elements present in a list.



List operators

  • Index operator : To access an element in the list from its index. Python also allows the use of negative numbers as indexes to reference positions relative to the end of the list.



Accessing a list out of bounds is a common programming error that results in a runtime IndexError. To avoid this error, make sure that you do not use an index beyond len(list) – 1.

Often reference to the first element in a list is mistaken with index 1, but it should be 0. This is called the off-by-one error.

  • Slicing operator : The slicing operator returns a slice of the list using the syntax list[start : end]. The slice is a sublist from start index to index end – 1. You can also use a negative index in slicing.


  • Concatenation operator (+) : To concatenate or join two lists.


  • Repetition operator (*) : To replicate elements in a list.


  • in and not in operator : To check for the presence of an element in a list.


  • Operators for comparing lists : (>, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=)



    List methods

  • append() : To add an element to the end of the list.
  • count() : To return the number of times an element appears in the list.
  • extend() : To append all the elements of a list to another.
  • index() : To return the index of the first occurrence of an element in the list.
  • insert() : To insert an element at a given index in the list.
  • pop() : To removes the element at the given position in the list and return it.
  • remove() : To remove the first occurrence of an element from the list.
  • reverse() : To reverse the elements in the list.
  • sort() : To sort the elements in the list in ascending order.



    Splitting a String into a List

    The split method is useful for splitting items in a string into a list. One can use either a space or a non-space delimiter.



    Copying lists

    A list can be copied to another using the assignment statement (=). However, this statement does not copy the contents of the list referenced by list1 to list2; instead, it merely copies the reference value from list1 to list2. After this statement, list1 and list2 refer to the same list. The list previously referenced by list2 is no longer referenced; it becomes garbage.



Happy coding !!